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Nature of this Blog

Nature of this Blog

“A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivren penna míriel, o menel aglar elenath, Giltoniel A Elbereth" Galadriel The purpose of this blog Thanks for the comments; Yes, this blog is quite egotic, as I am. When I surf and I see interesting things I’m often frustrated...

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"For he who live more lives than one More deaths than one must die." Oscar Wilde Diálogo: Al principio nos divertíamos; después empezaste a querer evitarme. Esta noche seremos tres, como cada vez, y me echaras en cara que no duerma y que te estorbe mientras...

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Antonimario de besos

Antonimario de besos

”Who are you who slips into my body and wishes to my ghost?” Ghost in the shell Antonimario de besos Ícaro Para albergar al monstruoso vástago real Ícaro y Dédalo construyeron Un laberinto con palabras. Luego, de besos se hicieron alas Y volaron sobre...

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Lucrecio - traditteme!

Lucrecio - traditteme!

"Si eliminamos lo improbable, lo que nos quede, por imposible que parezca, será la solución". Spock, citando a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Aquí os propongo un juego de raducciones: El fragmento de la derecha pertence a "De Rerum Natura", de Lucrecio. Está...

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Physics R important

Physics R important

“Computer, compute to the last digit the value of pi.” Spock The creation of i, or the model’s flaw What would we do without physics? The Earth would turn upside down, and everything around us would suddenly go upwards and be lost in the Universe… Or...

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What is important

What is important

« Eternity is long, especially at the end » Woodie Allen For me, three things are important in life: - Emotional intensity - Sensual pleasure - Architecture of thought (and hence language) Notice what all three have in common: people The rest are exc...

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The best contemporary fiction

The best contemporary fiction

I hate being Scottish. We're the lowest of the fucking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the...

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Mi idea de la lengua

Mi idea de la lengua

"The First Rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions. The Second Rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions. The Third Rule of Project Mayhem is that in Project Mayhem there are no excuses. The Fourth Rule of Project Mayhem is that you...

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«A veces la verdad no importa como debiera... pero siempre debes decirla...» Hartigan, Sin City The Voynich Manuscript The Voynich Manuscript Imagine you find a manuscript written in an unseen alphabet, and hence unknown language, depicting mysterious...

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What is a language?

What is a language?

What's a language? What do you think? Ok, I've got it; that's not a very pedagogical way of beginning. Let's say we're comparing language with other things (I mean, objects), and explaining in which way they would be alike. Some researchers say linguistics...

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